PBA Ancient and Italian Classics

Phaedra And Other Plays. Seneca


PBA Ancient and Italian Classics

The Georgics: A Poem of the Land By Virgilio


PBA Ancient and Italian Classics

In Defense of the Republic: Cicero


PBA Ancient and Italian Classics

Selected Works: Cicero


PBA Ancient and Italian Classics

Dialogues And Letters: Seneca


PBA Ancient and Italian Classics

Murder Trials: Cicero


PBA Ancient and Italian Classics

Plutarch’s Lives Volume II


PBA Ancient and Italian Classics

On Government: Cicero


PBA Ancient and Italian Classics

The Satyricon and the Apocolocyntosis


PBA Ancient and Italian Classics

Plutarch’s Lives Volume I


PBA Ancient and Italian Classics

Orlando Furioso By Ludovico Ariosto


PBA Ancient and Italian Classics

On the Shortness of Life By Seneca
