This vibrant narrative chronicles the Italian Americans of Los Angeles, a group that, although integral to every facet of the Southern California megalopolis for two centuries, has largely been overlooked in both local and Italian American histories. Based on meticulous research, this multidisciplinary study by historian Marianna Gatto is the first extended account of Italian Americans in the City of Angels. Artists and agriculturalists, dreamers and outlaws, pioneers and powerbrokers come alive in this sweeping work and provide important points of comparison for understanding the American mosaic. Over one hundred images, including many never before published, help illustrate this impressive multi-layered history.
Since 2010, Marianna Gatto has served as the executive director of the Italian American Museum of Los Angeles, an institution that she co-founded. Her role ranges from development and advocacy to education; she authored and curates the museum’s award-winning permanent exhibition as well as its temporary exhibitions. A previously published author, Gatto has appeared in various documentaries, consulted for major networks, and is a frequent guest speaker. She holds degrees in social science, history and education. The Italian Republic recognized her with the Order of the Star of Italy.
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